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ইংরেজি পাঠ্যবই - একাদশ-দ্বাদশ, এইচএসসি ও আলিম শ্রেণির বই | English For Today - Class XI-XII, HSC and Alim Class Book PDF

ইংরেজি পাঠ্যবই - একাদশ-দ্বাদশ, এইচএসসি ও আলিম শ্রেণির বই | English For Today - Class XI-XII, HSC and Alim Class Book PDF
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ইংরেজি পাঠ্যবই - একাদশ-দ্বাদশ, এইচএসসি ও আলিম শ্রেণির বই  | English For Today - Class XI-XII, HSC and Alim Class Book PDF

ইংরেজি পাঠ্যবই - একাদশ-দ্বাদশ, এইচএসসি ও আলিম শ্রেণির বই | English For Today - Class XI-XII, HSC and Alim Class Book PDF

Table of Contents

Unit One: People or Institutions Making History
Lesson 1: The Unforgettable History
Lesson 2: Nelson Mandela, from Apartheid Fighter to President
Lesson 3: Two Women

Unit Two: Dreams
Lesson 1: What is a Dream?
Lesson 2: Dream Poems
Lesson 3: I Have a Dream

Unit Three: Lifestyle
Lesson 1: Manners around the World
Lesson 2: Etiquette Netiquette
Lesson 3: Food Trends
Lesson 4: Fitness
Lesson 5: Spending

Unit Four: Adolescence
Lesson 1: The Storm and Stress of Adolescence
Lesson 2: Adolescence and Some (Related) Problems in Bangladesh
Lesson 3: Why Does a Child Hate School?
Lesson 4: The Story of Shilpi
Lesson 5: Say 'No' to Bullying

Unit Five: Youthful Achievers 
Lesson 1: Sheikh Kamal: Life of an Achiever
Lesson 2: Affectionate, Lively and Always Smiling Sheikh Kamal
Lesson 3: Brojen Das: On Conquering the English Channel
Lesson 4: Scaling a Mountain Peak or Riding Your Dream?
Lesson 5: The Unbeaten Girls

Unit Six: Relationships
Lesson 1: Family Relationship
Lesson 2: Love and Friendship
Lesson 3: A Mother in Mannville

Unit Seven: Human Rights
Lesson 1: Are We Aware of These Rights?-I
Lesson 2: Are We Aware of These Rights? -II
Lesson 3: Rights to Health and Education
Lesson 4: Amerigo, a Street Child

Unit Eight: Peace and Conflict
Lesson 1: Conflicts: Causes and Types
Lesson 2: Cruelties of Conflict
Lesson 3: "The Old Man at the Bridge" by Ernest Hemingway

Unit Nine: Tours and Travels
Lesson 1: Travelling to a Village in Bangladesh
Lesson 2: Arriving in the Orient
Lesson 3: Eco-tourism

Unit Ten: Environment and Nature
Lesson 1: Water, Water Everywhere...
Lesson 2: The Hakaluki Haor
Lesson 3: The Lake Isle of Innisfree
Lesson 4: A Minor Bird
Lesson 5: The Tyger

Unit Eleven: Art and Craft
Lesson-1: What is Beauty?
Lesson 2: Folk Music
Lesson 3: Our Art & Craft

Unit Twelve: Education and Life
Lesson 1: Why Education
Lesson 2: The Parrot's Tale
Lesson 3: Civic Engagement
Lesson 4: A Warrior of Light

Unit Thirteen: Myths and Literature
Lesson 1: Bengal's Face
Lesson 2: Orpheus
Lesson 3: The Legend of Gazi
Lesson 4: Hercules  

HSC English For Today 14 MB

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